Ателиер Густаво Линс Весна-лето 2010
Spiral shaped black waterproof cotton coat inky blue merinos wool sweater “echarpe” charcoal grey wool and cotton tweed high waist trousers
Black wool with sharp red stripes jacket red inkled overstitched paper waistcoat black with sharp red stripes wool spiral shaped trousers
Waxed leather jacket with hood “biker” with silklamb and rakoon lining black wool cardigan “upside down” black cotton gabardine spiral shaped trouser wide belt”obi”black overstitched leather.
Charcoal grey wool and cotton tweed jacket black wool sweater with scarve collar inky blue leather spiraled shaped trousers
Inky blue leather spiralled shaped jacket black wool high waist trouser black fur scarve
Black silk shiort reworked kimono green and yellow overstitched paper coat black wool draped trouser.
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